No. 810 Changes in Ubuntu 24.04 LTS |


This time, Ubuntu 24 is scheduled to be released on April 25th.We would like to provide an overview of the changes in 04 LTS.

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

Tomorrow, April 25th, Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and Ubuntu Server and flavors will be released. As mentioned in the April 5th issue of Ubuntu Weekly Topics, development took a whole week due to problems with xz-utils.(or more depending on how you look at it)Despite the delay, the release date remains unchanged and is still in active development at the writing stage.

That aside, Ubuntu 24.04 The development code name for LTS is“⁠Noble Numbat⁠”in,⁠Noble Fukuro Anteater”is what it means.You can also see the crown decorated with a flea anteater in the desktop image.(Figure 1)⁠.

Figure 1 Ubuntu 24.04 LTS desktop

This time, as usual, 23.10 to 24.04 Introducing changes to LTS. 22, which is the previous LTS.04 LTS to 24.If you want to know how to utilize Ubuntu in a development environment, including the changes to 04 LTS, please refer to the May 2024 issue of Software Design. It’s already on store shelves.

Release notes

twenty four.Please be sure to read the release notes before trying 04 LTS.The draft release notes can be read now, but detailed information such as Japanese translation will be released after release.(planned)Check out Ubuntu Weekly Topics.

Installer changes

Regarding the installer, please refer to this 24.There are many changes in 04 LTS as well.

First, accessibility support has arrived.(Figure 2)⁠.

Figure 2 ⁠Ubuntu Accessibility”was added

Also on Ubuntu Server(See #615⁠)⁠Added automatic installation features that were not present in Ubuntu(Figure 3)⁠. A more detailed explanation will be provided in this series at some point.

Figure 3 ⁠Automatic installation”was added

Figure 3

twenty three.In 10“Default Installation”and“Full Installation”It was 24.04 In LTS“Default selection”and“Extended selection”have become(Figure 4)⁠. The installed packages are generally the same. Changes to the package structure are explained in the next section.

Figure 4 The package selection wording has been changed.

Figure 4

As an aside, the installer repository name is ubuntu-desktop-provision and the package name is“ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap”became.

I don’t really know how to use it(Possibly for OEM use⁠)⁠It is true that it is no longer just an installer with the addition of recovery image creation tools.

twenty four.04 LTS = GNOME 46

twenty four.04 LTS GNOME is generally GNOME 46. Let’s take a look at the usual table.

version component(package name)
3.36.x gnome-menus
3.41.x gcr
3.50.x gnome-online-accounts
3.52.x gnome-terminal
42.x yelp
43.x gnome-power-manager, seahorse
45.x eog, gnome-logs
46.x adwaita-icon-theme, baobab, evince, gdm3, gnome-bluetooth-3-common, gnome-calculator, gnome-characters, gnome-clocks, gnome-control-center, gnome-disk-utility, gnome-font-viewer, gnome-initial-setup, gnome-keyring, gnome-remote-desktop, gnome-session-bin, gnome-settings-daemon, gnome-shell, gnome-system-monitor, gnome-text-editor, gnome-user-docs, mutter-common, nautilus, orca, tecla, ubuntu-session

Zenity, whose version scheme has changed to support GTK4, will no longer be subject to this investigation.

Actually 23.10 is not that big apart from the version.

“Extended selection”When I installed it, three types of games were no longer installed.It is also a web camera app that has been used for a long time.“Cheeze”but“Camera”(⁠The package name is“gnome-snapshot⁠⁠) has been replaced.

What’s a bit interesting is that nautilus-sendto is now installed by default. Originally Nautilus(⁠⁠File”former name and internal name)It was released as an extension of Nautilus, but currently only an executable file is provided and it cannot be used as an extension of Nautilus.⁠However, other apps are using this.(⁠However, many other apps use it)It is being revived.

An interesting change in GNOME 46 is OneDrive support, which was introduced in the April 19, 2024 issue of Ubuntu Weekly Topics.To explain in more detail, in order to support Microsoft 365 accounts, we have created a library that supports GVFS.(msgraph)Added.At the same time as a user interface to your online account“Microsoft 365”has been added(Figure 5)⁠.

Figure 5 ⁠Microsoft 365”was added

Figure 5

In other words, OneDrive is not supported with Microsoft Personal accounts, so if necessary, use OneDrive for Linux or onedirver as usual.


Ubuntu now also uses Netplan as a backend for network configuration. You probably don’t need to worry about it when using DHCP, but when you change to a fixed IP address, /etc/A configuration file will be created under netplan/(Figure 6)⁠.

Figure 6 Setting example when using a fixed IP address

Figure 6

deb822 format

It will be easier to understand the details regarding deb822 by watching episode 677. Repository information that conforms to this deb822 format is 24.It will be adopted from 04 particularFigure 7It looks like.

Figure 7 twenty four.04 Write repository information in deb822 format from LTS

Figure 7

In other words/etc/apt/sources.listis no longer used.As shown in Figure 7, the extension of the repository information file(.sources)is conventionally(.list)However, mixing is possible.

Thunderbird Snap packaging

“Extended selection”If you select and install Thunderbird, a well-known email client, will be installed, but 24.Starting with 04 LTS, it is now provided as a Snap package.

app center

twenty three.The App Center introduced in version 10 also has a few changes.

Enhancement of game page

Do you want to increase the number of users playing games on Ubuntu?⁠Game”Items have been enriched.Figure 8So you can only see the top, but if you actually display it and scroll, you can see a lot of things all the way to the bottom.

Figure 8 app center“game”The number of items displayed has increased.

Figure 8

As mentioned in Part 805, we have confirmed that the Snap version of Steam does not work properly if you are using NVIDIA’s proprietary driver.

local deb package installation

This is the 783rd edition of Ubuntu 23.This is something I forgot to mention when explaining the 10 changes, and this 24.This has not been improved with 04 LTS, but the App Center does not provide a way to install local deb packages. When you actually double-click the file,Figure 9A message like this will be displayed.

Figure 9 A heartless message appears when trying to install Google Chrome

Figure 9

There are several solutions, but here“software”(⁠Package name is gnome-software)We recommend that you install .Incidentally“gnome-software-plugins-flatpak”If you also install it, you will be able to handle Flatpak packages as well. Please see episode 720 for details.

The article is in Japanese

Tags: Ubuntu LTS gihyo .jp


NEXT “Git for Windows 2.45.0” released – Preliminary support for reftable and SHA-1/SHA-256 interoperability functions