Node.js 22 released |

Node.js 22 released |
Node.js 22 released |

OpenJS Foundation announced on April 25, 2024, version of js“Node.js 22”was released.

Node.The main updates of js 22 are as follows.

V8 JavaScript engine update
V8 JavaScript engine is version 12.Updated to 4, 12.4 includes WebAssembly Garbage Collection, Array.Contains new features such as fromAsync, Set methods, and iterator helpers. Additionally, Maglev, Google’s JIT compiler included in V8, is now enabled by default.
WebSocket client now available
Previously--experimental-websocketBrowser-compatible implementations of WebSockets that had to be flagged are now enabled by default, so Node.WebSocket client can now be used with js without external dependencies.
require support enabled for synchronous ESM graphs
Previously, it was necessary to use dynamic import when loading ESM from CJS, but Node.from js 22--experimental-require-moduleBy enabling the flag, it is now possible to execute synchronously using require. This will make it easier for both CJS and ESM package authors to use their packages.

Node.js 22 will reach long term support in October 2024(LTS)However, until then, it will be provided as the current latest release for 6 months. For release schedule, see’s Release Schedule pageSee.

The article is in Japanese

Tags: Node .js released gihyo .jp


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